Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Fragile Souls

Every one of us has a fragile soul. We have all been hurt and felt the pain of our hearts shattering and being alone to pick up the pieces. Yet they never seem to quite fit the way they did before. We are left with cracks and holes. No amount of glue or tape can hold us together forever. Our heart and soul will shatter again and again, for many different reasons.

Here I sit, with a shattered heart and a broken soul. I have loved and lost. I have been at the tops of the highest mountains and crashed to the bottom of the deepest valleys. My life has changed rapidly and yet time has stood still. I am constantly moving forward and always staring into the rearview mirror at the life I've left behind.

Life really is an amazing journey. One in which we never quite know where we will end up. Each day we get out of bed and continue to live a life. Some of us live a life we have always imagined. Some drag themselves out of bed with the last ounce of energy they have in them and force themselves to simply breathe that day before crawling into bed at the end of the day with a sigh of relief that they've survived.

How is it determined how you will live your life? Are we born with a free spirit or a damned soul? Are we the ones causing ourselves the misery and pain each day? Can we free ourselves from the feeling of defeat and shatteredness? 

I have lived an interesting life. Not hard, not easy. Each day comes and each day goes just as the one before it. I decide each day to do my damnedest to be a kind, honest, loving person. Some days i fail. . and i fail whole heartedly. Other days i can lay my head down and know that i did all i could that day to be happy.

I'm twenty six. My heart has been shattered. My soul has been broken. But i live. I wake up each day. I push through every obstacle i can. I have one life. And i have endless glue and tape to hold myself together.

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