Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Eight Years

- Eight Years-
It's been so long since you've been home.
I still have moments I can't believe you're gone.

Eight years without you to wipe my tears and hold me so tight.
Ninety six months without your voice telling me "everything will be all right"

Four hundred and sixteen weeks that I've felt my heart breaking without you here.
Two thousand nine hundred and twenty days that I've repeatedly faced my biggest fear.

Seventy thousand and eighty hours that I have pushed through.
Four million two hundred four thousand and eight hundred minutes that I have wanted to talk to you.

No matter how I break the time down the outcome is the same.
Not a second goes by that my heart isn't broken and filled with pain.

But you raised a fighter, a survivor, through and through.
I push on each day, despite how much I miss you.

I am my father's daughter; stubborn, kind hearted, and strong.
Eight  years without you and yet I still can't believe it's been so long.

I know you were no saint but you were the best father a girl could have had.
And no matter the minutes, days or years that pass by i'll forever love you, dad.


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