Monday, August 29, 2016

Book Covers

All of our lives we are judged. We are ridiculed and we are defined by others definition of who we should and shouldn't be. Magazines tell us what we should eat, TV shows portray how we are to act, Fashion shows tell us what we should adorn on our bodies. Even deeper than all that is those we meet on a daily basis who glare at us and turn to whisper and laugh with a friend sitting near by. 
They make comments about our hair, our weight, our makeup, our laugh. . everything. But why? Why and when did this begin to be acceptable? Why and When did this attitude towards others become the norm? 
I am ashamed to live in a world where children are worried about what they look like from the time they can look into the mirror. I am ashamed that a woman who looks in the mirror and feels beautiful is call conceited. I hate that because some weigh more than others or are too skinny we are made to feel less attractive than others. I am disgusted that our outward appearance has more value than that of what is within us. 
When i was younger I was ALWAYS made fun of. I was fat, ugly, a bitch, an elephant, scruff, hog. . you name it. . I've probably heard it or thought it about myself. Words hurt. . whether we admit it or not. However, we do not have to let those words define who we are. 
When I look into the mirror I see laugh line forming which reminds me of all the laughter I've had in my life. I see my weight and know that I am blessed to have good friends who enjoy my company over a meal. I see my hair a mess and I know I worked hard today and needed to pull it out of my face. I see my tattoo's and I am reminded of some many important pieces in my life. I glance at my chipped nail polish and I know I spent the day typing at work to help patients. I notice my scars as I pass by a window and I'm reminded I've survived some of the hardest times in my life and I came out on top. Stronger than I ever thought possible. 
What would the world be like if we saw these things in others instead of judging them? We have no idea where or how or why these people look, act, dress, or are the way we are. We jump to judge them because they are different than us. and yet we turn to the mirror and hate ourselves.  
Somewhere along the way the world has fucked up. They have taught us to judge each other during the day, and judge ourselves at night. 
The best and most amazing revelation I've ever had is that none of us are perfect. We all have flaws and none of us are the same, we all view everything a little differently - But we are all the most beautiful creatures to roam this earth.
So take a minute, or an hour, day, month, year - and remind yourself to look at yourself and see your story. Then look at everyone else and see their story. . We are so much more than the book covers we are wrapped in.

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