Thursday, July 28, 2016


Ghosts from the past come creeping in when you least expect it. They lurk in the shadows of your every day life and slither into your thoughts when you don't have your wall up. Sometimes they take you by the hand and walk you down memory lane. Other times they fill your heart with the all but forgotten feelings and take you back to a place and time you have tried to forget.
Everyone has these ghosts. Some are lost loves, some are friendships that didn't last. But we all know those people who when we hear their names we are taken back and day dream of the relationship and where you would be now had you not lost touch. How would your life be different? Where would you be today? and who would you be today? What role would they play if they had stuck around? Or if you hadn't turned and ran the other direction, terrified of where your life was going?
I have a handful of ghosts. Some are friendly and others only want to pull me down. I miss them all in some way, shape or form as they are some of the reasons i am who i am. They helped shape the beats of my heart and some even caused the cracks where my heart will never quite fit back together. But they all have changed me.
Each ghost has left a lasting mark. The smell of peppermint patties takes me back to one particular ghost. Driving towards seven mountains leads me to another. Laying in a field, counting stars jolt me back into a place and time long ago.
I am overly nostalgic more often than not. And i remember details of every encounter and the time period when ghosts were in my life. I can take myself back and feel those feelings again. This certainly isn't always the greatest attribute i have but it is a part of me. Just as these ghosts.
I will always miss the relationships. I will answer the calls and be there if they needed me. That is who I am. And even the ghosts haven't changed that.

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