Wednesday, November 9, 2016

My Feature Film

Exhausted. Drained. Tired. Overwhelmed. Anxious. Sad.

Rested. Inspired. Aware. Content. Silly. Happy.

Each and every one of us have so many emotions. So many sides of ourselves. No one sees all the masks we adorn. We feature to some our laughter and smiles. Others come to a showing of our quiet and shy side. Some click play and see our crazy, fun side. Even fewer tune in for the heartbroken and raw version of ourselves.

Two pictures. Two different versions of myself. Two different days in my life. Two different performances of the same character.

It amazes me how many emotions can run through your body on any give day at any given time. Some are able to hide more of the raw emotions than others. Some are constantly on stage for everyone to see every version of themselves.

I believe in being who I am whole heartedly. And some may say that i "fake" it well some days. . I put on my best smile and push forward. I don't know that I believe I am fake in this regards or rather just not willing for everyone to be able to rewind my darkest moments over and over and see the raw footage. Some people can and will only ever see the final directors cut. In my heart - I have hit replay a thousand times on the romance, horror, comedy, drama, suspense and even the indi films of my life. They are beautiful, scary, funny, emotion filled, questionable and all original.

We all have clips we would like to erase, of course. Scene's we wish we could take back. And we even have some actors and actresses in our story line that we could have lived without. But all of the footage, on every good day, bad day & the in between make up the movie of our lives. While some may only see the highlight real that we so chose to show them this does not and will not ever change the fact that every emotions run through us all.

We all decide which movie will be our next feature film and whether we will be a star or an extra.

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