Wednesday, November 9, 2016

What I Deserve;;

I deserve someone who would give me the moon and the stars, if he could. 
I deserve someone who is willing to work his ass off for us to have a good life. 
I deserve someone who can look at me on a sleepy Sunday morning with my hair a mess and makeup down the side of my face and still think I'm the most beautiful woman in the whole world. 
I deserve someone who will take the time to notice the crackle in my voice and ask me what's wrong. 
I deserve someone who will share in my happiness and take my sorrows on as his own. 
I deserve someone who can handle my tears and wipe them away. 
I deserve someone who accepts my flaws, my past, my present & my future and loves me just the same. 
I deserve someone who can see the exhaustion in my eyes from so many sleepless nights because of my mind.
I deserve someone who, while he may not understand the thoughts running through my head, knows I am damaged but fighting to get through the baggage.
I deserve someone who can make me laugh when I have tears streaming down my face.
I deserve someone who can see the scars on my body and know I have never given up. 
I deserve someone who knows I have a tormented soul because I am my own worst enemy. 
I deserve someone who has a heart as large as mine. 
I deserve someone who can sit with me in silence knowing sometimes words don't need to be spoken. 
I deserve someone who will take care of me when I'm sick and wish they could take my place. 
I deserve someone who will attend every function that is important to me. 
I deserve someone who will fight for the love that we have for each other like he is fighting for the air that he breathes. 
I deserve someone who will let me belt out that god awful catchy tune if that's what will make me smile on a bad day. 
I deserve someone who will whisper in my ear when it's raining and remind me that my dad is still watching so proud of me. 
I deserve someone who is proud to say that I am the woman of his dreams and he's lucky to have found me. 
I deserve someone who understands that family is so much more to me than blood and accepts all the crazy members of the family I have created for myself. 
I deserve someone who knows I will always have to have the last word and can bite his tongue and give me that satisfaction over and over again. 
I deserve someone that can handle two a.m. panic attacks and three a.m laughing fits.
I deserve this and so much more. 
I deserve someone who is willing to match all the love I have to give. 
I am blessed to have that with the man I will marry in less than one year. 

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