Sunday, November 20, 2016

My Mother Teresa

How blessed am I to have an angel, here on earth, who has taken me into her arms and heart and treated me like I am her own? Someone who never had a single obligation to me yet she came into my life and has never left my side. A woman who had her own children but knew I needed a mom and stepped up and became just that to me.
I wish I could put into words how much love I have felt over the last decade. How accepted I am. How much my pain has been lifted. All the joy i have been able to share with someone who has just as much excitement for my future as I do.
You came into my life just as I was beginning to start the next chapter. You have stood by me even when I was unsure where my story was going. You have held me when tears were streaming down my face as my life was changing forever. You have watched me achieve some of the goals I never thought were possible. You have believed in me when I was sure I wouldn't be able to overcome the next hurdle in my way.
Every time I have needed you I have never been let down. After every conversation we have I feel like all the burdens I bare are now weightless. I feel at home when I walk into your house because I know I always have somewhere i can go when the daily struggles become too much to bare alone. Or when I need a hug to be reminded how loved I am. A place I don't have to knock and a house that became a home because of the overflowing love I have received from the people who have made me apart of their lives. 

I am endlessly grateful for all of the love and caring you have given me over the years. All of the time you never had to take to be with me through all the bad times. Every smile and laugh we have shared through the good times has made my life so much richer and I feel so blessed to have you in my life.
Words will never do justice in thanking you for being my momma while never being obligated to do so.
You are a best friend, a counselor, a guiding light, a momma and so much more to me. I am glad to see glimpses of you being human and knowing that you too have pain and struggles but have such a genuine heart despite them. 

I am also forever indebted to your family; not once have they made me feel like I did not belong. Each one of them has shared your time and love. They have also always shown me love and kindness and have never made me feel like an outsider. They are all such wonderful people whom I am blessed to know.
I do not know where my journey would have led had you not come into my life so long ago, but I do know I am who I am because of who you are. And throughout the rest of my life there will always be a special place for you during every moment of my adventure.
I love you and am so thankful that you continue to be such a beautiful part of my story. Thank you for being my Momma, from the bottom of my heart, Thank you. 

Having your handwriting tattooed on me is one I hold so very dear to me. To have your hand writing be a constant reminder to me that i ALWAYS have someone to turn to and someone who loves me unconditionally is an indescribable feeling. Words do not do justice in telling you all of this. . but i will never stop trying to find them.

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