Sunday, November 20, 2016

Inkkk;; more than skin deep

Such a controversial topic for some, but for me tattoo's are my story for the rest of the world to see. I love being able to tell people about the reason behind a specifc tattoo and for them to realize the meaning is so much more than skin deep. So here's my story behind each tattoo.

 #1 . This tattoo is one of my first: It reads "I'm right behind you, win or lose, Forever Young." I got this tattoo shortly after my dad passed away. Since our last name is young and he always joked he would be forever young we had talked about getting these lyrics tattooed on us a thousand times. Lyrics that would remind me he was always with me. So when he passed away at 45 and I will always remember him as young and he will always be with me - it only seemed fitting that I would carry out this idea and get those lyrics on my left foot.

#2&#3. This is actually two tattoo's. The stars were the very first tattoo I got when I was 16 (& yes, i'm aware it needs redone) and my dad signed for it. Growing up my Nana always told me I would walk among the stars someday. Getting these stars on my right foot was my way of ensuring I would remember that every day.
The numbers are the coordinates of Kutztwon, PA. I started my college journey there and met my Roomie for life during this time. We share this tattoo. She has the identical one on her back. KU was a place I gained so much and also a place I began my journey into losing My poppa. It is a reminder to me of my happiest times and my lowest and how fast that can change.

#4. This is my dad's name in Latin: Vincere. It means to overcome, conquer and never be defeated. My dad raised a fighter so I believe this was more than appropriate to have placed on me with Angel wings since he is in heaven watching me conquer my world. :)

#5. Words I live by - Dream Big. Have Faith. Regret Nothing.  Words that remind me to live and enjoy life. To have faith in the future and that life will work out. And to never regret a single damned thing I've been through or done, because they have all led me to where I needed to be.

#6. Embrace your dreams. This tattoo tells me to go with the flow of the everchanging life i have experienced. To embrace all the crazy, wild dreams my free spirit can come up with and run free and blow in the wind as much as i need to in order to follow where my heart is meant to be.

#7. dream* -  (yes, dream is my favorite word, clearly) This is tattooed on my right hand because i have always dreamt of someday become a published writer. ;)

#8.  you are loved - This tattoo is very meaningful and close to my heart. This is the handwriting of a teacher who became my momma when I needed her the most. She has been there through the rock bottom and has always signed my cards & letters "Remember how much you are loved. " So I had this tattooed on my left hand so i can see it all the time and know how loved I truly am. While she is not a fan of tattoo's she was very honored when I showed her this particular one.

#9. A torn and tattered esophageal cancer ribbon; because cancer is not clear cut and clean lines. After losing my Nana and my Poppa to cancer & now working at a cancer center i always wanted a cancer ribbon as it has greatly effected my life, but I knew i didn't want a dainty, pretty ribbon as that isn't what cancer is. . It is terrible, and painful, and you are bruised and beaten down from it so I came up with this concept and an amazing, local artist was able to put it on my skin just as i had imagined.

#10 & #11. The first one i had is the "nothing is permanent" . I got this Tattoo when I was selling my childhood home and taking my life back. I was letting go of a home I thought I would always be able to go to. It was at that time I knew the quote was true - "nothing is permanent in this wicked world, not even our trouble" - Charlie Chapman.
"This too shall pass, No matter how hard it is to believe it. " This was my most recent addition. When i was in seventh grade i was dealing with more things than most 12 year olds should. I was in a very dark place an I had two amazing woman save my life. One of them wrote this on a sticky note that year and I have kept it all these years and finally got my permanent reminder that "This too shall pass" Dionne, the one whom wrote this so long ago, always knew I would eventually make her a permanent part of my life but she was shocked when I showed up with her hand writing on my leg from a post note she had forgotten she even wrote.

Of course I have plans for more tattoos. They are a huge part of me and my story. They are my reminders when I need them about where I have been and where I will continue to go. Some do not like them, others hate them and all I ask of anyone is to simply accept they are a part of me and move on if they do not like them. For those that do like them I am always happy to share the stories behind them.

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