Wednesday, January 31, 2018


Time slips through our life like sand slips through our fingers when
you grasp a handful on the beach.
Time stands still like a statue in a museum.
But either way time feels we are all robbed of the same thing; time.

Time with those we love, time doing what we love, time to chase our
wildest dreams, time to sleep.

Thinking back on my life (yes, i know i am only 28) I have lost so
much to time.
I didn't have the time with my dad I wanted or should have had.
I ran from people and places because I didn't believe the timing was right.
I have spent more time working than living.
Friendships have been lost because too much time has passed.
Memories have faded because days, weeks, months, years; time has
stolen those details.
You no longer remember the sound of loved ones voice.
Or you forget the smell of an old friend when they wrapped their arms
around you.

Time slips through our life like air through our lungs.
Time stands still like a tree in forest on a calm day.
But either way we are robbed of time. . .

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