Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Keeping Up With The Klingler's

Everyone always says marriage is just a piece of paper. I don't know why people say that or how they can feel that way. Marrying my best friend was single handedly the best day of my life. And now, after being married for 4 days, I can say that I do feel differently and life is different. Being married is a feeling of security and a feeling of "home." It's a feeling I've never known before and one I am so blessed to now experience and be living. 
While Jason went back to work on Sunday, just as he always does. . it is now my husband that I have to worry about being on the road. It is now my husband that I say goodbye to every Sunday. It is now my husband that I call three times a day to check up on him and I have to tell you it is an AMAZING feeling. 

Our wedding day could not have been more perfect. We were surrounded by all the ones we loved and we got to marry each other. What could have been better?!
All the people who have been there for me when i was at the lowest points in my life were now able to see me at the happiest point in my life. And i could not have imagined it going any better than it did. 
I was so glad I was able to enjoy every moment. I stepped back and watched everyone at different points in the day and the room was filled with so much love. 
We are truly blessed and eternally grateful for all those who love us and support our love. 

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