Wednesday, March 9, 2016

This road I'm on.

Most of my life I have heard that people admire my strength, resiliency, and perseverance. This is truly the biggest compliment anyone can give me. Life has thrown me many curve balls and I have hurdled over many obstacles that stood in my way. I am finally in a place that I can say I am proud of the woman I am because I have fought many demons to become her.

In my past I have faced depression, anxiety, PTSD, and cutting. These were some dark stops on my ever changing roadtrip. I have overcome them and am able to freely discuss those pieces of my past. I want anyone and everyone to know that the past and these moments do not have to define your future.

I struggled with depression for many years. I felt lost in this world even though I knew I had people who loved and cared about me. My anxiety was to a point that I spent countless hours crying myself to sleep. I knew my fears were irrational, for the most part, but I could not turn off my mind. I was diagnosed with PTSD at 16. I worked with a therapist to move on with my life and forgive those people in my past. I cut to numb the pain I was emotionally feeling. The scars are still there and remind me of the pain I've overcome.

These are not my proudest moments. But they are all apart of my journey and the woman I am today. My past does not define me, but it has shaped me. 

I haven't always been able to say that I appreciate the pain and heartache. But today, in this moment, I can.  And no one can take this feeling from me. It is mine and I fought to appreciate where I've been so I can enjoy where I am going. It's been a long road, and I'm ready for thousands of miles more. 

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