Monday, March 14, 2016

Life is too short.

Every day is a chance to start fresh. A day to make changes you have been thinking about for years or the ones that have only just crept into your mind. Each day you wake up and have the choice to stay stuck exactly where you are or push forward to become a better version of who you were yesterday.

While some days I fail at eating healthy, keeping my mood in check, or just being a decent human being I try every day to make better choices. I try. That is all anyone can ever ask of you. Give it your best and go to bed knowing you have no taken steps backwards, and if you make the choice you will continue walking forward. Some days you might even jog.

But never get too caught up in chasing after the future. Enjoy the day. Laugh deep belly laughs. And smile the biggest and brightest smile you have. Every chance you get. Reminisce about the good times you've had and if you must visit that dark corner, do so quickly and pick up and carry on.

People say it all the time; there have never been truer words spoken. Life Is Too Short.

It's too short to get stuck feeling like you are in last place. Too short to compare yourself to others. Too short to not enjoy each moment we have with one's we love. Too short to not feel every emotion to the core.

Some will have more time than others, but eventually we all have to cross that finish line and be no more.

Until that day; live as much as you can, love with every piece of your soul and never stop walking  forward. 

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