Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Some friends really are forever. . .

We have best friends during different times in our lives. Some stay for a few years and fade into the back ground. Others move and become distant because life gets in the way. But sometimes some of us are blessed enough to have the same best friend for every major event in our lives. I have been blessed beyond words.

Megan Brittany,

For the past fifteen years or so you have have been my go to, my laughter, my support, my heart.  We have been through the depths of hell together and have come out on top. With every breath I have I could still never thank you enough for all of the wonderful memories I have of us. I could never tell you how many times we've been dancing in our cars, jamming to the music, with the windows down and I have sat back and thought; 'This is what life is really all about.'

First and most important - Thank you.

Thank you for always loving me, even when I wasn't very lovable. I know sometimes over the years I have let my depression consume me. You have been my rock and always reminded me that it's okay to laugh, even when the world around us seems to be crashing down.
Thank you for never letting me face anything alone.
Thank you for being the one who can come over and lay on the couch with me for hours, watching sappy chick flicks, and eating the greasiest food possible and never judge me because sometimes we just need those days with our best friends.
Thank you for not making me talk about things when I really can't spend the energy on them anymore.
Thank you for reminding me I'm worth and deserve the world. You are the most protective person I have in my life, and the one who ALWAYS has my best interest at heart. I know when I doubt my worth you will be there to remind me i'm worth that and so much more. 
Thank you for a million memories that have shaped me into who I am.
Thank you for never, for a second, not including me as family. For every event, holiday, meal I know I have a seat with you. 
Thank you for always being my plus one and making me yours. Fab two will forever live on. 
Thank you for the countless nights that have turned into mornings. 
Thank you for insisting I needed that last shot to make me dance the night away, forgetting all of my responsibilities for a short while. 
Thank you for the perfect timing of random dance parties in your car on the countless crazy adventures we've been on. 
Thank you for being the one who will always do couples costumes with me for every Halloween. 

Thank you, for being my partner in crime, my sidekick, my other half, my true ride or die.

I also want you to know that I will never leave you.
'This life would kill me. . If I didn't have you. . '
While our lives change and we both move on to different chapters there will always be a place in my life for our friendship. Miles, Careers, Husbands, Kids. . . nothing can separate us.We may fight and there are days we need some space, but at the end of the day, I will always be here for you.

They say you have a soul mate in this world, and sometimes you find it in your best friend. . I have been blessed to have my soul mate be by my side for every bad day, every heartache, all the adventures, and all the celebrations.

I am who I am because of you.
I love you, to the moon and back.


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