Monday, April 11, 2016

My forever light in a world full of darkness. . .

When I was eight my world began crashing to the ground. My life was changing and my days were dark but there was one man who, without knowing it, became my light

Dear Mr. Craven, 
When I walked through the cafeteria at ninth street elementary and saw you at the teachers table I stuck my tongue out, perhaps I was trying to get your attention, or I was just a quirky kid but that next year, when you became my teacher, my life changed for the better. I came to school excited to learn. I felt safe. And I felt loved. That year was one of the hardest in my life, but you were such a light for a small, scared little girl. 
After elementary was over and I moved onto the Jr. High I remember coming back at the end of each year to see you. You were still such a light in my life. 
Then highschool. I feel like that is when I truly knew you would remain in my life through all the tests of time. Countless emails and you supporting me in whatever choices I made. You were always and still are in my corner. You would come see me cheer and let me vent to you with some pretty pointless ramblings at times. You could never have known how much that meant to me. You were my rock, the one constant I knew I could count on. 
After highschool when my dad got sick you stepped up. You were concerned and so loving. You've simply never stopped being there for me. 
Now, almost 20 years after I was that little 3rd grader I still consider you such a light in my life. You have been there for me in some of the darkest times of my life, yet you never let me doubt there was a bright future ahead. You have shared in the sunshine of my life and helped me embrace all the good that has come around. 
To say I am blessed is such an understatment. While I didn't know it then, I made a life long friend at a very young age. 
Even before I was engaged, I knew I wanted you to be the man to dance with me for the father/daughter dance. While I know my dad would've done anything to be here for that day, I am sure that he is so grateful that I have had another man step up and be there for me all this time. The most amazing thing to me is that you have never had an obligation. You never had to email me back, let me come visit at school or your home, go to dinner with me, come watch me cheer or be such an amazing influence and friend. Yet you still did all of that and so much more. 
When I get married, we will have known eachother for 20 years. . And you have meant so much to me all these years, I can not imagine my life without you. 
Thank you, for being my continous ray of light. 

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