Monday, May 16, 2016

Maid of Honor Speech - For My Unbiological Little Sister

When Courtney and I first met we were instant friends. I tucked her carefully under my wing and we became unbiological sisters from the moment we hung out.
We would drive around for hours, in my 1920 edition of a cavalier, with the music blaring with no real destination in mind. Over those hundreds of random roads and the countless hours spent on new adventures we discovered we were going to be friends forever, we also discovered that ALL roads really do lead to Glen Richey if you follow them long enough.
Over the years we have laughed so hard that we've peed ourselves, literally. And we've cried together on more than one occasion. Sometimes over stupid (okay okay not so stupid) grades or classes, and sometimes over devastating, life changes. But the one constant has always been her and I traveling on this adventure side by side.
I always took a responsibility in what she was doing, right or wrong. . after all I am her older sister and older sister's are NOTHING but good influences. :) Some times Courtney wasn't always thrilled with me and she was stubborn, a trait she MUST have picked up from her brothers, but she knew I was looking out for her and she always came back around to realizing I'm usually right. 
But then, after all these years and some trial and error, Courtney found someone else to handle her sarcasm,enjoy her laughter, and someone who deserves all the love she has to offer. 
She found someone who will balance her when she is loud and crazy with his quiet and soft ways. 
Someone who will cook for her, as long as she cleans.
Someone who is willing to never laugh at her, but always with her.  And maybe chuckle at her on occasion.

Someone who has opened his heart to her, just as much as she has to him. 
She has found her life long partner for their journey through life. 
And she has found someone who will tuck her carefully beneath his wing, and relieve me of most of my duties. :) 
While I will still get calls on bad days, and during the bickering matches we all have with those we love, I know that she has found her forever with someone who is perfect for her.
So I hope you both fly as high as you can together, yet always stay grounded and remember you are now on this crazy adventure together.
Tyler: Good Luck, & I apologize for all the traits i've passed on, when you need advice on how to make her laugh, pick the pieces up, what to buy her, or how to make everything better - I'll always be a phone call and a short or long drive away for my little sister.
Courtney - I am so proud of who you have become and the life you are creating with the man of your dreams. I'll always be here. I love you, No matter what. 

Congratulations to you both, I am honored to be apart of such a special day for you two.

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