Sunday, March 6, 2016

Our hearts beat the same.

What an amazing feeling it is to find your other half. To find someone who does not make you complete, because he understands you were complete prior to knowing him, yet he reminds you how to be completely happy while sharing your life with another person.

While we are very different our hearts beat the same.

He hates pictures; I take thousands. He works too much; I play too hard. He stays in the background; I was born to stand out. He was raised with a traditional family; I have made my own. He works away all week; I don't like to stay anywhere but home. He doesn't fight; I have to have the last word. He gets up at first light; I could sleep the entire day. He doesn't like to dance; I could dance my night away.

Even though we can be world's apart we are incredibily in sync.

We find adventures to enjoy together even while we live our own lives. Long rides in the Jeep, working on trucks, watching our favorites shows cuddled up on the couch, taking the four wheeler s out to get muddy, shooting guns, having fires, going to dinner together, or making breakfast together.

In the four years Jason and I have been together we have changed, grown, taken steps back, and small parts have remained the same.  We have been head over heals and we have fought until we weren't sure what the fight had started over. But the best thing we have done for each other is always been willing to fight for what we have.

We don't believe in walking out. We love each other to the core and know that is worth fighting for.  No matter how angry or hurt we are we believe we can and will get through it.

I always said I never wanted to get married. He walked into my life four years ago and for the first time I saw my entire future with another person. A life I wanted to share with that person. Dreams I wanted to build with that person.

So, here we are. In less than two years I will marry this man and we will continue to argue, laugh, wrestle, push each others buttons, and take naps on the couch together. But we will also continue to fight for the love we have because we believe in forever.

I wish everyone was so lucky to find someone who they can share all of this worlds ups and downs with.

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