Friday, December 30, 2016

New Year; Taking back my life

Dear 2017 Self;;

Hello dear. My how far you have come in the last decade. You have overcome and shown how resilient you truly are. You have persevered and conquered. 
You have been there for everyone at all times. You have bent over backwards repeatedly for all of those around you. Changed plans to be there for those you love. Broken promises you made to yourself so that someone else could spend some time with you. 
You are so very selfless and loving;; but you have let yourself down. 
What happens if you don't take care of yourself and are no longer here when those you love really need you in the future? What happens when you always put yourself last and you teach everyone else that this is acceptable? & what about those two nieces you have who admire and look up to you; what do you want them to see and how do you want them to treat themselves?

It's Time.

It's time to take back your life and see your value
It's time to take the hour or day and pamper yourself. 
Put the face mask on and the cell phone down. 
Relax and free your mind of others problems and focus on the good and fun in your life. 
Go out with your girlfriends and don't feel an ounce of guilt because others choose to sit at home and be miserable with life. 
Take the walk, every day
Laugh those deep belly laugh and give not one single fuck about who is around you. 
Go get the mani and pedi and feel good about yourself. 
Take the hour to get ready so you feel sexy as hell when you walk down the stairs to go on a simple date with the love of your life. 
Pull out the yoga mat and feel the zen and calm come acrossed you when your house is a mess. 
Take the day off for mental health when you need recharged. 
Lay in bed and watch sappy chicks flicks, only leaving to pee and get a drink. 
Get your ass back into the gym routine, you'll feel better & look better for that wedding coming up. 
Set your mind to things and don't let other sway your choices. 
Get out of bed the first time the alarm goes off and stretch and get motivated for another day. 
Less complaining more being thankful
Go on the adventures wherever you are and as often as you can. 
Continue to love whole heartedly, but learn to say NO
Enjoy the weekends with your fiance.
& last but not least. . DRINK MORE DAMNED WATER. i know it tastes awful and you have to choke it down & hate pissing every five minutes. . but it's good for you in every way. . so suck it up & drink as much as you can.(even if you have to make the face in the picture above after every drink)
2017 can be your year. Take your life back. No one will fault you for it or love you less. & if they do raise your middle fingers high and tell them where to go.

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