Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Tiny Best Friends

Tiny Best Friends. 
You are so much more than my nieces. 
You are such a huge piece of my heart.
When you two walk into a room and run for Aunt Dez all of the bad in the world vanishes. You bring laughter and love into my life more than I could ever put into words. 

I want you to know that I will always be here for you both. 
I will be a shoulder to cry on from scrapped knees to broken hearts.
I will listen to any story you wish to share no matter how silly or wild. 
I will encourage you to follow your heart down whatever road you choose to travel in your lifetime. 
I will be your confident and give you the best advice I can. 
I want you both to know that being your Aunt is one of my favorite titles to bare and nothing can or will ever change the pride and love I have for you two, my tiny best friends. 

I promise to never judge any decisions you make along the way to becoming the strong, amazing, beautiful, kind souls you are meant to be. 
I will, however, give you tough love when you need it. 
I will push you to reach for the stars because that is where you belong.
I will wipe your tears when you feel as though you have failed & reassure you that you will be okay again. 

I will always wish we had more time together. Please know how hard being away from you both is for me. 
If you call me at 2am at a party, or because you have good news, or need a friend;; I will drop whateverI am doing and drive however far I need to to be there for you. 
I will always be one of your biggest fans. Softball, cheerleading, dance, 4-H, any of it;; you will find me there when I can be and I may even embarrass you yelling your name so loud but please remember it is because I am beaming with pride over you. 
I promise to attempt to shield you from all the negatives in this crazy world for as long as I can. 

Above all of this;; I promise to never stop loving you. You are two of the most important people in my life and that will never change. I love you with everything ounce of who I am and want to give you both the world. 

I also want to thank you. Thank you for letting me be your Aunt. Thank you for running into my arms and giving me the biggest hugs on my worst days and loving me without judgment. 

Alyssa said it best this past Christmas when she told me "Aunt Dez, I know why you don't want babies. . you don't need any babies because Emily and I are your special babies."
I could not have said it better myself

You will both forever be my special babies & my tiny best friends. 
I love you , to the moon and back.

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