Monday, March 27, 2017

Nine Years.

Dear Poppa;;

Hi. How are you? How have you been?
Yes, I know. It's that time, yet again. 

I still get angry that you can't be here. 
So many new adventures are happening this year. 

I'm getting married and have made an amazing life. 
Oh how I wish you were here to give me away when I become Jason's wife. 

You'd love him, Poppa. . I just know you would! 
He always tells me he'd bring you back, if only he could. 

He treats me well, knows he's pretty lucky, and truly makes me laugh. 
He repeatedly listens to my stories about you and looks at all our photographs. 

When we're out on a buggy ride I always look up and imagine you beside me. 
Smiling ear to ear, I can't help but think it's where you should be. 

I have worked hard to become a woman you would be proud to have raised. 
The strength I have from you being my dad has left me more than amazed. 

I know you will be watching me & guiding me until the end of my time.
But that doesn't replace you being next to me, my partner in crime. 

I miss today, tomorrow and always. .  .until we meet again. . 
I love you, Poppa. . Thank you for being my very first best friend. 

- Desiree Angelica Young
forever young*12/29/62 - 02/29/08

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